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Sample of Student Comments

on the

Jordan Park Online Bible Study lessons

The following are comments submitted by students of the Jordan Park Online Bible Course. Personal information has been removed and only minor "clarification" type changes made. No negative comments have been removed. Comments are presented in inverse student order (the more recent comments fist).
(NOTE: "#" refers to Lesson Number.)

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  1. #1-Thank you for providing this study. I love the fact I can do it on my own time and pace. I work and have a busy home life, so this is quite a treat for me. Thanks again!

  2. I thank you for making this site available. God Bless You and your efforts to reach the world with the truth.

  3. #3-I am enjoying working on these Bible studies. I also appreciate your quick response to the lessons I send in. I am so grateful for this site I have been looking for a place to study the word of God.

  4. #8-I can't wait to wake up so I can get the next lesson. I am learning so much. I really enjoyed this bible lesson I did not khow that there were so much you could learn.

  5. I'm glad I came across this bible course. I am really enjoying it and can't wait until I get the second lesson! God Bless!

  6. #2-I am loving every minute of these lessons!

  7. This site is great, thanks for the great format and study! God bless!

  8. This site is very interesting. It helps you learn and receive more knowledge of the bible. I'm very thankful for this site

  9. #9-I am truly getting some answers to many of my questions. Thank you so much for pointing out scriptures that explain God's plan.

  10. I am looking forward to study with you. I know I will beBLESSED during this study.

  11. So far I really like the bible study program that you have here. It is easily read.

  12. I really enjoyed your bible study.

  13. I am really glad I found this study, I have returned to Christ after a long period of rebellion. And with the study lessons I can really begin again to grow in his Word. God Bless You All

  14. I enjoied these studies, but I would like to read more on subjects such as personal growth and how to became a mature cristian.

  15. This is a very good study

  16. I just think that this is the start of something big

  17. Thank you for this course.I know that it help me nurturing my faith in the Lord as I am a recent believer. Thank you and keep up the goowork in spreading the Good News.

  18. Thank-You for bieng online. Lesson one was very good and informative

  19. #5-Thanks again for these wonderful Bible studies. I will not want to see them end. I will be praying for Christians to become hungry for The Word of God. It along with prayer is vital, every day of our lives. God Bless you both. #7-Another great lesson. I see what Paul means when he says going from glory to glory.


  21. Thank you for this further opportunity to learn more about Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you also for caring

  22. I am so excited about doing this over the internet. I am praying that the Lord will use this in my life to give a deeper relationship with Him.


  24. I think that this a good teaching tool. Thank you.

  25. I am really enjoying these bible studies....i need all the help i can get. i love reading the bible....
  26. This was very interesting , I really enjoyed it! Will there be more lessons?

  27. when is there going to be more of these available?

  28. I really enjoyed this lesson.

  29. Praise the Lord,and pass the amunition!(the word of God that is).

  30. I think this is great that you have put this on the internet. It is not too long for me to do while at work and I will be blessed just by taking out the time to read the Word during by busy day. God Bless You!

  31. thankyou for making this bible study course online available-I was a backslider for about 12 years and I am just now getting back into a new study of the Bible and have come back to my faith in Jesus Christ

  32. #6-I am really enjoying these lessons.The Lord needs more disciples like you.

  33. #16-Thank you for this wonderful Bible course. I feel that it has built me up in the most holy faith. Thanks for taking the time to grade my lessons and return them to me. May God bless this and every effort to build up His Son's Kingdom here on earth. (This from an 80 year old student.)

  34. Keep up the good work. #16-I just want to tell you how much I both enjoyed and learned from doing this Bible Study. Also I must compliment and thank you and your church for seeing the great need for a study such as this. I have taken many Bible Studies but feel that I learned more of the true message of the Bible and have never had such encouragement as I received from you.

  35. I enjoyed my first lesson! I'm looking forward to my next as soon as possible.

  36. Thank you so much. It is my hearts desire to seek the heart of God for His Will and direction for the life He has blessed me with.

  37. I feel I must say "thank you" to whomever started this site. After serving the Lord for many years I fell away from his word. I have recently come back to the truth and started working at renewing my relationship with God. I am studying His word and spending time talking to Him. This Bible-study has been helpful. I hope to see more like this. Thank you so much for your ministry for God. God Bless you -Lea

  38. AAHHHHHHH.! Something constructive on the internet!!!!

  39. I searched for bibles . I am blessed to have found it

  40. I'd like to thank you for your services.How wonderful to see them being offered free of charge.Keep up the God work.Savedcerely with fear " trembling -

  41. I am looking forward to completing the bible study lessons. My life needs a change and I know that God can help me.

  42. So far so good, will be watching carefully to see if you stick with the Bible or if we will be going off into man made doctrines and creeds. Will the truth be presented here or will I end up learning about what some man made religion wants me to see! This is something that is long a in coming. This is something that is good for all new believers should have available to them.

  43. This is very interesting to review. I have read the bible a lot, but this review brings out words that i haven't relly noticed.I used the bible verses to complete the answers. They were not known by heart!!! Thanks great web sight

  44. I hope I do good on this.I love my Bible.Thank you. Mary

  45. I enjoyed taking the lesson. May use it here in teaching new believers as we are Christian Missionaries with AG in Luzon, Philippines. Which was the first gospel to be written? Why did it take 100 years after the death of Jesus before a gospel was written?

  46. i like this only i think it would be alot more challenging if you could give them i certen time to complete each section.

  47. I am happy that there are sites like this. Thank you.

  48. Thank you for providing this study of Gods word. God Bless each of you.

  49. keep making peoples like us study and may God keep on Blessing you 8-31-2000

  50. Thank you for this opportunity to study the Bible with you. So far, I have enjoyed this experience very much. Looking forward to lesson number two.

  51. This is a very enjoyable experience. Thanks so much for taking the time and trouble. God Bless you.

  52. I was just baptized yesterday! I'm soo excited that my prayers never went unanswered! Praise God, and I'm ready to learn.

  53. I have really been searching for a place to study the Bible at home. I am not always able to get to Church and would like to further my knowledge of the Bible.

  54. I just wanted to thank you for having this avalible for people to use.

  55. A Brother at my church told me about this Bible-study. Thank God we can have a blessing in studing His word.

  56. What a wonderful tool this will be for me.I am excited to see the next lesson. I like the way you had this lesson set up. This is a good study for those who are just coming to Christ and for those of us who need to be reminded what the bible is all about.

  57. Very interesting so far. Filling in the spaces in the verses might actually help me to remember them

  58. Thank you very much. I enjoyed taking your quiz. I am a student of the Bible and am interested in a more in-depth study. Allow I enjoyed this very much and I thank you for it.

  59. Hi, what a great idea this is. Having just recently become a Christian and am rather new to the bible, I think this will be a great help to me to learn all I can about the Bible and our Lord. Thank You for this service.

  60. My question doesnt have to do with a lesson question, I am a beginner with the Bible and I would like to know what fornification means. Thank you

  61. I am looking forward to the rest of the lessons. This is exactly the kind of course I have been looking for.

  62. My Wife and I was very glad to find this site on here thank you.

  63. Thank you for this website!!

  64. Hi... thanks for taking the time to grade this.

  65. I am glad to have found a bible study group which I have longed for a long time. God bless you.


  67. I think this is a great way to help others get to know the bible.

  68. it seems to me opportunity that i can acknowledge about the gosple more than before. In addition, I hope this help me know God our Lord well.

  69. You make the Lord proud!

  70. good course I am looking forward to the next.

  71. Thank you for the lesson. I am looking forward to the next one.

  72. #9-I Can't believe that I am almost done with this course. It has been a blessing! God Bless You for allowing me to participate. I am learning soo much.


  74. I,m so glad i found this because i need to spend more time in the word. #2-thank you for taking time to check over my answers im going to see if my husband will start doing the lessons.

  75. #2-I very much enjoy these lessons and find myself waiting for the next one with a great deal of anticipation. Thnk you for your gracious assistance.

  76. This short lesson was very enjoyable. I an looking forward in more lessens.

  77. this is a very interesting site and i thank you for taking the time to do all this. it is very informative.

  78. #8-Great lesson! Got me to thinking about things I haven't in a while. Thanks again for the opportunity to take these lessons ;-)

  79. Thank you for the time and effort put into this sight. I am looking forward to future studies.

  80. #4-This study has inspired me to memorize the books on the old testament in their correct order. I am up to Hosea. I hope I can remember them in the far future.


  82. Great study will keep me on my toes

  83. #3-Thank-you for this study. I know you must have a tremendous response and I would like you to know that I look forward to each lesson with great appreciation.

  84. #2-Enjoying the lessons. Really gets me into the Bible.

  85. I have been looking for an online Bible study for quite a while. After Lesson 1, I think I have found what I am looking for.

  86. #2- I am really enjoying the Bible Study Lessons. Thanks #4-I am learning things that I didn't understand until now-your lessons are really great. #5-Still enjoying the wonderful lesson and it is amazing how well these lessons are I am learning so much from them.Thanks Patricia #8-Another Great Lesson Learning And Understanding Gods Word "Keeps Me Singing As I Go"-- Have A Great Day. This was a very positive lesson. I am looking forward for the next lesson.

  87. I was delighted to find a Bible Study I could do from home. It is difficult for me to get out and this is something I have been wanting to do. Thank you.

  88. This is a very worthwhile effort. I'm 65 years old and wish to enlarge my study of the Bible. Thanks.

  89. #16-Thank you so much for this wonderful chance to grow and learn with you.

  90. #5-This is getting better and better.God Bless You

  91. This is my first study of the bible in a long time. Thank God for your website. I know in my heart I will enjoy it.

  92. #3- I don't know whether there's another such method of teaching, but after 2 lessons I'm confident this one suits me perfectly. I'm most thankful.

  93. This is what i have been looking for. Thank you

  94. I really enjoy and love Bible studys so thank you very much and im looking forward to doing more in the furture again

  95. I am so excited to be doing this. Thank Gog for sites like this. #7-These lessons are uplifting.

  96. #3-I sure do appreciate these studie and may our Lord bless you and yours for the teaching of His word.

  97. #7-This was an exciting yet informing lesson. I enjoyed and love doing this lesson most.

  98. #8- I feel I have really learned and grown because of your study. Thank you.

  99. #3-Question`s are becoming a little more challenging, but I`m learning heap`s - God bless until lesson 4`

  100. #2-This was a very interesting lesson and I enjoyed it.

  101. #3-We are enjoying your bible study. Thank you for making it availible. #16-Thank you very much for making these lessons available for us to study. We have enjoyed and learned more about gods word, and also have enjoyed your comments and company along the way.May god bless you, and we hope that you will keep in touch in the future.

  102. Thank You for this resource.

  103. #5-I have really enjoyed studying the Bible with you both. I have been looking for something like this but it just didn't feel right. I prayed about it and felt like this one was it. Thank you for your help.

  104. #5-I have tried many times to read and study the Bible, but in every instanceI got discouraged and stopped.Your on-line program has renewed my interest in the most powerful and important book ever written, and has given me the incentive to finallycomplete my goal.

  105. Thank you for enabling me to have a Bible Study. May the Lord help me to continue with the rest of the lessons. (Singapore)

  106. I hve been looking for such a study and it is so wonderful to find one like this. Thanks!!!!!!!

  107. I appreciate your quick responses to these lessons. They are very informative and helpful to the"seeking" individual.

  108. #2-I really enjoy these lessons. Thank You and may God Bless you both with his mighty love and mercy.

  109. I've enjoyed the firs study please send more. (New Zealand)

  110. wow can i doo some more pls????

  111. Thank you for this opportunity

  112. #3-Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity to assist me in getting a better grasp of the word of God - that I may grow in my studies and my relationship with God

  113. I have enjoyed Part 1 of this study.

  114. #2-Thank you so much for this course. I really have a burning desire to know and understand more of GODS word and I feel that this is a answer to one of my prayers. #8-Yes I am learning and I am very greatful that there is someone out there with the program that can help others without cost.

  115. #4-Gidday, Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying this. - Australia.

  116. This is such an awesome way to use the internet and technology of our day and age! God is smiling down upon you! #2-Very good study today! Thanks for all of your hard work. Dios de bendiga (God bless you)!

  117. #8-thank you for this lesson, i learned alot about what sin consist of, god bless and keep you always

  118. I am grateful that you offer these studies on line so that we can learn and grow in Christ. I am looking forward completing all of your study programs.

  119. A good study, folks. I'm looking forward to the next one. #7-Wow! What a great lesson. It took me a bit longer and I think I'm going to go over the lesson a few more time to commit it to memory.

  120. #3-I'm really enjoying this and I really need it in my life right now! It wasn't by accident that I found your site. God bless you for all of your hard work!

  121. hello and greetings in the LORD! I think this is sooooooo wonderful! I have been striving to use my computer to learn more about the Lord and his word. Thank you so much! I look forward to these lessons!

  122. I felt that this lesson was fabulous and I hope and Pray that you continue to put out the free studies. It is a great way to tell people and for people to learn about the bible and about Jesus Christ. Thank You so very much and God Bless. #2-This was a Awesome lesson.I am very much looking forward to the next lesson. Keep putting out great studies.

  123. Thank-you for this study, it is well presented and to study the Scritures is a constent reminder of the awesomeness of our God. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

  124. What a blessing to have something like this on the internet! It is truly an answer to prayer. I think that this is a great way to get in touch with the bible and gods word. I am very pleased to be participating in this testing process. Thank you.

  125. Hi, I am very excited about doing these lessons.

  126. #2-Thank you for putting this study on the internet. I have been looking for a good one and this has been very helpful to me. I have a hard time reading and understanding the Bible but this clears a lot up and helps me to understand it a lot more.

  127. #2-Good Lesson. This is exactly what I was looking for

  128. I look forward to doing this study. I can't wait to hear from you with the next lesson.

  129. #2-I want to thank you for the informative lessons. I am enjoying them already

  130. This is a very well put together lesson plan and I would like to thank you for making it avalible to people to learn about Him. Thank you for this opportunity.

  131. #6-I am enjoying these lessons very much. I am very interest in what God's word has for me, and for everyone else. #8- I am enjoying and learning so very much. These studies are helping me to learn more about the Word, and how to live the way Christ wants to to live and walk.

  132. #6-This was a very special lesson. Thank You

  133. #2-Thank you for being involved with Gods work and teachings. I'am really enjoying this Bible study. I'm so excited that I found this course! This is just what I needed!

  134. #2-I want to tell you how wonderful this bible study is. I have not been able to find a church here and with this study, I can still learn. God bless you!

  135. #16-It has been a pleasure. I have learned a great deal. Thankyou.

  136. I found this lesson number 1 easy to understand and full of great points.

  137. #3-i am really enjoying these bible lessons. they are really insightful and uplifting. thank you for sharing the truth. #16-I have enjoyed these lessons a lot, and I thank you for putting them on the web for people to learn about Christ, and His teachings.

  138. #2-These lessons are wonderful and I thank you very much for offering them.

  139. #6-thank you for all your help. I am learning a lot from these lessons and appreciate your help.

  140. I thank God, in the name our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That all things has been put into his hands... even the Internet.

  141. I thank you for these lessions, I know that god has called me to do his work, and through these lessions, i know i can work toward his plan for me. Thank you very much.

  142. I am so happy to find your Bible Study page.

  143. #2-Thanks for the opportunity to take these lessons.

  144. #7-this is good stuff...i used it to teach my bible study group...i hope you dont mind...

  145. I am glad to have found this site, because I am seeking more knowledge about God's will and how to become a good Christian. #4- I am sorry that I have not done my Bible study in some time. It was wonderful to get back to it and learn again. Thanks for being there!

  146. Thank you for making this study available.

  147. I have just done the first lesson and already I feel I have learned a great deal. Bless you real good! #2-I beg you to please hurry with the next one! I love this and can't wait until I receive the next one! Thank you for this wonderful Bible study! I am enjoying it thoroughly! #4-Thank you for another great study! I love these. They are a little difficult and really make you study! #6-Thank you for all of your encouragement and praise. That really helps and you are so pleasant and seem like you truly like doing this! Thanks again.

  148. I love the site.

  149. #9-Terrific lesson! True meat! #16-Thanks for all the nourishing lessons! You have certainly been productive branches on the Vine. I look forward to meeting you inthe clouds!

  150. I really enjoyed this first test. Looking forward to my next lesson. Thanks so much.

  151. Thank goodness I finally found a Bible Study I can learn via the internet. #16-"A wonderful Bible Study" Loved it.

  152. #5-Wonderful Bible study,I truly enjoy it.Thank You And God Bless.

  153. #2-I am really enjoying these lessons.

  154. I have been searching a way to help sort out the bible in a more understanding fashion. I appreciate your assistance in reaching my goal. I look forward to the next lesson.

  155. I am very excited to be starting this study.

  156. #5-thanks for the help with my previous question...and thank you for getting my results to me so really learning so much...bless you. #15-just one more lesson! i'm going to miss you when this is finished...thank you again for the words of encouragement. i know that i've grown in knowledge of the Lord and His word.

  157. #3-I just wanted to tell you that these studies are becoming my morning devotional.. i have had such a hard time deciding where to go with my studies and i have also found that by answering questions, i seem to retain more...thank you so much....

  158. #2-I am glad the Lord led me to your website. I am learning so much about the Word of God.

  159. #5- I have really enjoyed these lessons !! Thank you very much! Keep up the good work. I will refer my friends.

  160. #5-Im really enjoying my Bible Study,and learning alot. This is the first one that I have ever done.

  161. I look forward to progressing forward in the Word of God and to gain more wisdom on His love for me through Jesus Christ.Thank You for this.

  162. #7-I am learning a lot through this Bible Study, also learning from my mistakes.

  163. #2-I am greatfull for the opportunity to grow in the word of God with you and to reafirm my beliefs. It is encouraging to see people stepping out over the internet to help others with there spiritual growth.

  164. #9-This lesson brought tremendous enlightenment with it.

  165. I enjoy the format set up for these studies and hope to become a more learned and better christian from what I learn I find this a little hard to understand the Bible, I hope this will help.

  166. Thank you so much for providing a place to study the scriptures online.

  167. This is GREAT!!!! This has been something i have looking for a long time. Thank you for making it possible. #4-You ever considered putting out a study book with this stuff, because this is one of the best studies I have seen, and sometimes one lesson at a time leaves me begging for more right away.

  168. I look forward to completing this Bible study course.

  169. #2- I would like to thank you for the opportunity I have to study with you. I have searched several web sites and so far yours is the only one that I really like. I like to study with the type of questions you are offering on your online study, It makes a person open up the bible and read, research, get active with the word. I am anxiously looking forward to the next lessons.

  170. #2-Just wanted to say that I am enjoying my lessons. Please to meet you both. I thank God for you. #8-I am so grateful for this lesson it just made me so glad to know that Christ died once and for all. And because of Him I can have life eternal.

  171. I found this site by looking for some biblical reading. It hink it is a great site for anyone who wants to know more about the word of God,or who just wants to freshen up on thier bible skills.

  172. I have enjoyed the lessons those far and I am looking forword to the next one. Thank you it has been a true blessing to my soul.

  173. I like the way the study is set out with different types of imput needed.Thank you for this study and God bless to you all. #7-I am really enjoying the study, it is helping me to get deeper understanding of God and the bible. some bits are quite hard for me to understand (words and their meanings) but the study is great, you are providing a great service. Keep up the good work. God bless you both.

  174. #3-Thank you very much for the opportunity to further study God's Word. 5-I will be sorry when I finish the course- I will truly miss it. #14-Thank you ever so much for giving me a link to learning more about the Word of God. I am most grateful. #16-Thank you for the wonderful time together - I feel that it has been an extremely learning experience. If another series ever becomes available I would love to take it.

  175. Thank you for this opportounity to study the Bible at the easiest convince.

  176. #4-I would like to take a moment and thank you for offering such a fine bible study course. i look forward to the next lessons. #6-Thank you for such quick repose times on correcting these lessons. I was expecting a week wait on each, but whom ever is checking these lessons is spoiling me. I have learned much. #15-I have enjoyed this type of study. Thank you very much.

  177. It is a blessing to find bible study on the internet. Thank you very much.

  178. #7-This was a great lesson. Looking forward to see more like this. God bless you and your ministry.

  179. Thank you so much for the Bible Study. I really appreciate it.

  180. This page is really helpful. I have beeen wanting to do a Bible study course to help me in sermon preparation and to improve my knowledgeof the word. Thanks for helping out a really busy pastor who otherwise may have not had this opportunity if it had not been for this study course.

  181. #3-I am well pleased i wait for your next lesson .Thank you for your support. (India). #10-may the lord bless you and the ministry. thank you for your teaching ,exam and feed back of email.

  182. Thank you for this great Bible Study Tool. May God continue to Bless you, and all those who make this possible.

  183. Loved the clarity, simplicity, and scriptual adherence.

  184. #3-A good and challenging lesson. I am looking forward to the next one. #12-Great lesson!

  185. i have enjoyed taking the 1st lesson, and will continue to study the others.

  186. I am thrilled to find this Bible Study on Internet. I am looking forward to the next lesson. Thank you!

  187. Thanks, for this wonderful site.

  188. #2-Thank you so much for everything. This is really blessing me so much. I thank God for this teaching and both of you. I enjoyed this study lesson, and already have learned somethings that I didn't know or have forgotten. I look forward to the nextone!! Thanks!!

  189. I have really enjoyed this 1st study. It made me read my Bible and it took me and my husband into other areas of the Bible. I can wait for my next lesson. Thanks for promoting God's word through study.

  190. Looks to be a nice series of lessons, looking forward to them. #16-I would like to thank you for these lessons,and the time you have put into them. They were very helpful. You can be sure they will be used time and time again by others.

  191. #4-wonderful lesson. #16-One of the best times of my day have been opening my email and being with you in study...I will miss it...Thank you so much...

  192. Very nicely done!

  193. I have enjoyed doing this little bit of the study. I would like to continue on with it if I may. Thank you so much and God bless you. lets see how this one goes. thank you for replying so fast with the answers to lesson 1. i believe this will help me futher me in my understanding of the bible.

  194. #3-This has been a fantastic course, Ive learned a lot so far.Thanks for responding so quickly. Thank-you again and God Bless!!! #6-I thank you both and God for allowing people like me to do this Bible-course for free,its a real blessing. I look forward to sending and recieving them. Thanks again andGod-Bless

  195. What a wonderful Bible study!! Thank you so much!!

  196. #8-Never taught that the study of the bible would bring me so much. I could see and feel a change in my life and ways dealing with others and close to family members.Thanks and looking foreward for the next lesson. #14-Thank you again for the enlightement I recieve from the lessons.

  197. I think that It's great that you are giving free Bible studies. I have a lot of questions and I am hoping to find them in the Bible.
  198. It is hard for me to under stand everything that has been written in this book,but maybe you can help me to comprehend more. Your lesson is literate and professional, a refreshing departure from some websites on the Internet.

  199. #4-Thank You for the wonderful study guides thus far I cannot wait till the next one. May God Bless You All

  200. #2-This is just what I was looking for in an online Bible study.

  201. #3-This is my first bible study and I think your format is terrific.

  202. #2-Great lesson, thanks for the study.

  203. #10-I love this Bible study!! #16-I found this Bible Study to be just absolutely EXCELLENT! It has cleared-up some cobwebs in my mind and has moved me much further along on my journey to salvation. Thank you so very much Henry and Vicki for your timely turnaround of the lessons. You are doing a very good thing by spreading the Good News! God bless you.

  204. #6-God Bless you,for this study, I am learing a lot from it, its a real blessing for me. There is a lot that I did not know..again Thank you, and God bless you.... #7-The Bible Study was a Eye opener, for me. #10-The Bible Lesson was a blessing to me, now I understand more about our Lord and Savior... about his time on Earth..and what he had done for us... God Bless all of you . Great learning experience.


  206. Your Bible testing site is awesome! I look forward to using it with others to help them study God's Word.

  207. I would like to thank you for helping me in my pursuit of a better understanding of God's word. I have struggled with my spiritual life, and am looking to better equip myself with the armor of God

  208. #7-Thank You very much I loved this lesson. #10-Thank you so much for these lessons, I am getting a lot from them.In fact it is the first time I have been able to understand parts of the Bible. #15-I have truly enjoyed these lessons, I will miss this part of my week.If you ever do anymore, please let me know. Thank you so much, I know your part takes a lot of your time also, please keep mein your prayers.

  209. I was looking for some Bible Correspondence Courses on the net and there you were. Praise God!!! Thank you. I am very excited to learn more. #2-Thank you for this wonderful bible study course. God bless all of you at your church for providing this great service.

  210. #5-Thanks. I am enjoying this and I also thank you for taking thetime to do this.

  211. #16-Thank you so very much! I have learned from these lessons and I have enjoyed hearing your comments.

  212. #4-I just wanted to say I am really enjoying this study of the bible, and I am learning alot from it. It's a real blessing to me:)

  213. I was so pleased to find your bible study on-line. I am glad to know that my computer can be used to further my knowledge of God's Word. Thank you so much for providing this. #2-Thank you for your prompt respones to my first lesson. I am finding the lessons to be enjoyable and informative, a true blessing to me. I look forward to more correspondence with you. Thank you again. #6-Thanks for all of the lessons and your prompt replies.

  214. #16-Thank you so much. I have enjoyed doing these lessons. I have learned, and understand so much more than I did before. God BlessYou,

  215. #3-Thankyou for making this study available. I am finding it very profitable as the Lord calls me to study the Word more. So glad that I found this site I am sure that I will visit often now that I know that there is on line bible study. I enjoyed this sovery much thanks again

  216. #16-Thank you for great lessons.

  217. #2-Thank you so much for this opportunity. I have not attended church for some time and have been feeling the need to improve my knowledge of the Bible and improve my relationship with God.

  218. #5-Among all my many blessings, I thank God for leading me to your bible study. It has helped me in a meaningful study of his word.

  219. #6- I continue to be blessed by the lessons you present. #16-Thank God for the blessing of your ministry, and thank you for your fellowship throughout this study!

  220. I really enjoy this bible study. It's very plain and simple in layman's terms. It really helps me understand what I'm reading. This has been an interesting and challenging course. Thanks for putting online and for making it free.

  221. I am also looking forward to studing the bible with you. God Bless you! #6-I am really enjoying this, it keeps you thinking and in Gods Word. Thank You.

  222. good lesson - sometimes we forget

  223. #2- I am sorry that I took so long with the Second lesson.. my two little ones keep me soo busy.. but I do enjoy these lessons very much..thank you .. #4-I have learned soo much with this bible study.. and I feel more and more confident with the knowledge of God..

  224. I am really exited about this course and I am looking forward to the next lesson. I hope there is some sort of certificate upon satisfactory completion. #2-Very good series of lessons - I definitely plan to continue " complete the entire course. Thank you for having this on the net.

  225. #3-This was a hard one! It really made me think and go back overwhat I had read. A great lesson and they keep getting better! #13-Another great lesson. Very rewarding! #16- I have truly enjoyed this study and would like to thank the two of you for you guidance and help in this wonderful journey. May God bless both of you!

  226. #6-I am really enjoying the bible lesson. I called up a friend and told her about it and she is taking the course too. I thought I was pretty good with the word of God, until I started taking these lesson. I just knew I would make a 100% on every paper. And much to my surprise the only 100% I've made was in lesson number (5). However, I'm enjoying it very much. These lessons have really challenged my knowledge of the bible. And I must add, who ever put them together did a excellent job. Thank you for getting the lessons graded and back so quickly. I've enjoyed this so much, I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm finished with the final lesson (smile). Having a great time!!!!! #16-I must say that I have enjoyed all 16 of the lessons, and I truely wish there were more!

  227. #16-This has been a wonderful experience. My only hope is that it is not over and that there is more to come. Thank you and may God bless you!


  229. #2-I'm learning a lot of good information about the Bible. Thanks for the opportunity!! #4-This is great!!! Keep 'em coming!! #8-Thanks again for the opportunity to continue this wonderful study program. I continue to grow in my understanding of the word. Best of wishes to you and yours.

  230. #7-Very educational...I'll have to reread it many times. Thanks for bringing me closer to God. These lessons are great. This is a great thing to be able to do.I thank you for your service over the net. God Bless.

  231. Thanks for offering this.

  232. I find this study so much interesting and it helps me so much as is my first time really to be challenge with word of God and I want to say I don't have any comment in doing this studies and you may continue giving me more information and I will never look down for it I will takei t in high rate as I did from the first one. So may God bless you !!!! (from South Africa)

  233. I really had fun doing this....

  234. I am 63 years old and have only recently returned to the Bible owing to the Internet and your ministry. Wonderful stuff!!

  235. #16-I enjoyed these lessons very well and I would be interested in doing another series of lessons if you have any.

  236. Thanks fo rthe lessons and may God Bless you all

  237. I am just so pleased to have found this bible teaching available to me. I'm always looking for new ways to learn God's Word and his will for me. This is such a blessing to me and others. Please keep doing it. I am so inspired that I would like to work on something like this through my church. I am going to speak to our Pastor about it.

  238. A very interesting and informative study. Definitely will help me and family in further study of God's Word. Thank you

  239. #3-Thanks againg for taking your tme to help me. It is appreciated. #11-Thank you for your help. I do appreciate what you are doing for me. #14-Thank you for your help. I will miss working with you when we complete the lessons before long. #16-Thank you more than I know how to express for the help you have given me. Since this is the last lesson I would appreciate it if you might offer any other sources of Bible Study. I pray that God will bless you inyour continual work.

  240. #3-Thanks for the time you take to grade my test, and thank you also for these lessons, they are just what I was looking for.

  241. #2-Thank you for taking time to guide me through the lessons. I am looking forward to studying them. #9-I felt that there was a lot of good information in the lesson today. I am looking forward to the next one.

  242. #10-A Good study, it's always good to get back to the basics and there is nothing more fundamental or 'basic' than learning about Jesus! Amen!

  243. I wanted to say thank you for this is a great blessing to be able to use it.

  244. A fantastic teaching aid.

  245. #3-Thanks again for such a wonderful service!

  246. thank you for the opportunity do be able to do this study of the Lord's word.

  247. #2-I am pleased to have you as my study helpers and look forward to doing this Bible Study with you.

  248. Thank you for providing us with an opportunity to study GOD's word so that we can show ourselves reproved. #2-In this lesson I have learned that God creaated the heaven and everything under it. That we are all blessed to be in his grace and share his everlasting love. #5-I AM REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THESE LESSONS. THEY HELP ME STAY ON TRACK AND FOCUS ON THE TEACHINGS OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. THANK YOU IN JESUS' NAME AMEN

  249. #2-Thank you so much for this study. It is really helping me understand. God bless you. #5-Praising the Lord for leading me to these lessons ! I am really learning a lot. #9-Another very enlightning lesson. They get better and better. Thank you so very much #15-thank you so very much i lean more and more each time i do a lesson. God Bless you.

  250. Thanks for offering a Bible Study that can be tailored to fit the time constraints of everyone who wants to study the word of God. This is cool. I want to learn, but it takes more than just reading to understand.

  251. Thank you for making this bible study possible and available to others. I have been looking for some on line bible studies. This bible study loooks to be complete and also requires me to do some work and you ask for proof of my work. I feel that is an important part as other bible studies just give you reading and do not require one to answer any questions.

  252. #10-Thank you for your time and your help in my growth with the Lord. I'm so glad that I found this bible study. God Bless you.

  253. I am so glad I found this online study. I am looking forward to the lessons daily. Thank you and may God bless you! I truly enjoyed doing this first lesson. I am really interested in completing this course and look forward for the next lesson soon. #2-Thank you all so much for these lessons. I am 53 years old and have just started to study the Bible. (What took sooooo long!!!!) and I appreciate all of your help and efforts on my behalf. #4-Thanks for your help. I am enjoying myself doing this and feel it is really helpful to me. #5-Thank you for taking your time to work on this bible study. I am truly enjoying it and feel that it has been very helpful to me. #11-Being new to Bible study, I am finding these lessons to be very thought provoking and it is giving me much to think about and consider. I do so appreciate your serving God by giving me this chance to study the Bible. #16-Thank you so much for providing this opportunity to study the bible. I have enjoyed it immensely and I do appreciate yourpatience and help.

  254. #2-I am really enjoying this course.

  255. #8-thank you for lesson08 which gave me a very clear vision about sin and the forgiveness of God, in other words, in my daily live it will help me to avoid the temptation of sin. thanks again. #13-Great lesson! Let me understand what is repentance and why we have to repent. Thank you very much! #16-Thank you very much for I have the chance to study the 16 lessons, which not only let me review many important verses but also strengthen my beliefs. Thanks again and may God bless this program,

  256. #5-I am really enjoying these lessons. Showed this lesson to our preacher and he was delighted that I was doing them also felt the content was very good. Thank-You for offering this study program.

  257. #4-Thanks for this Bible Study, I truly appreciate your encourgement and thoroughly enjoy the challenges in each lesson. #5-This study is the very beginning of my religious backroud. I'm nondenominational and I'm not a member of a church.....yet :). I know thatit's important to Jesus and the Father to learn His Word, so I found your studies and started. I have no prior education in the bible. I want to let you know that I truly appreciate the opportunity you have given me to learn about Him. #10-Even if I don't get them all right, I am still thankful that I found you guys on the net and that God has provided for me a fantastic way to learn His Word. You guys are my favorite study!!!!

  258. These lessons are really great. It would be so easy to just read through quickly and return the answers, but because they are so concise and informative, my preference is to take a little more time with each lesson so that when I complete them I will have a far greater understanding of the Bible. Thank you for taking the time and effort to compile and provide these lessons to anyone desiring a working understanding of theBible.

  259. #8-Thank you so much for the Bible Study.The most amazing thing about the lessons is how much I get out of them. My questions about something I have done has been answered by these lessons. This lesson on sin hit hard. I have been stuggleing to get over sin. I have come a long way, but Satan is constantly trying to get me to fail, mostly by thoughts he puts in my mind. #16-Thank You so much for the Bible Study, it has helped me immensly. I hope others are taking advantage of the lessons. May God Bless You and further your ministry.

  260. Very nice study. I've read and participated in several on-line courses and this is one of the better ones. Your attention to detail and lack of assumptions makes it a very nice study. I look forward to seeing more. THANKS.

  261. #2-I've enjoyed the first two lessons

  262. I've enjoyed doing the lessions The Word of GOD is always inspiring to read and study.

  263. #3-Praise the Lord. Now my evenings are no more dull, they become more happier as I read and try to answer the questions. May God bless you all for what you have done to help us understand the bible is so great. Thank you so much and best regard.

  264. #16-I'm sorry this is the last lesson to do online. Maybe in the future there will be more. I enjoyed doing the lesson's.

  265. This is a very good way for people to learn about the Bible. I want to learn as much as I can. his is GREAT!!! Thanks Much.

  266. #4-Thank you so much for your time and effort in responding to these lessons. I have thouroughly enjoyed and learned from each one.

  267. #10-I thank God and I am so glad I was able to find your website again! I really am enjoying this bible-study.

  268. I was so happy to find it! I really enjoyed the study. I am a busy mother of 10 children ranging from 27 yrs to 5 yrs old. I love the Lord Jesus very much. Thank you for the opportunity to do the study. #2-I am really enjoying the lessons! Thank you so much. #4-Thank you again, for making this Bible study possible. It hasbeen a real blessing to me. #7-I really enjoyed this lesson. It made me realize how much God loves us, and that He was willing to send His only Son to die for our sins.

  269. Praise the Lord, I have wanting to do a bible study but didn't where or who to contact and as I was looking for a particular NKJV compact bible, I found it. Thnak you so very much for having it on the internet. Now I can do my own bible study from my home. Priase the Lord for feeding me His Word for He knows my hearts desire. Again, thank you from my heart.

  270. God Bless you for this ministry. I love to study the bible daily and this is a blessed way to do so. #2-Praise God. I'm enjoying your teachings and grow in the word. Thank God for your work.

  271. I would like to thank you for offering this Bible Study to all who are interested. I find this to be a refreshing adventure. #2-I enjoyed the lesson and look forward to the next. Thank you and Thank God for making this possible.

  272. #9-I found this lesson a bit more difficult but I enjoyed learning about the Old and New Covenants. Thank you so much for having these lessons on the internet.

  273. I hope god's love is the answer to all the questions in the universe and for us all here on earth.

  274. Thank you for providing this learning tool. I have been researching online learning for awhile. God bless all of you involved in this mission!

  275. I think that I am going to enjoy this course, are all the lessons in this format?

  276. #1-So far this is a great study. Thanks for all the work you have put into it. #2-Thanks for having these studies for us to do. So far I have thoroughly enjoyed the information available. #3-Another great study! Thanks! #2-Great course. Looking forward to lesson number three. #3-This is fun stuff. Thanks for this opportunity. I have always loved the bible and enjoy learning more about it. #13-Enjoying the lessons, learning lots and having fun too. Thanks much. #16-Thanks for the great course. Sorry its over.

  277. #2-Thank you so much for these home bible studies, I was told two years ago that I was going to die, and today I feel even better thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! God bless you!

  278. I now work in Saudi Arabia and I practice my Christian faith in the confines of my own room. Finding your site, I know, will be a great help for me spiritually since I will never be "left behind" in my faith.

  279. Thanks for providing this god bless keep well

  280. #3-Very enriching. Again, I had a little problem in interpereting some of the data given, but I'll handle it in time.

  281. #2-I'm sorry theres been a delay in sending you this Bible study. I really am finding studying Gods word really exciting and I am discovering so much.



  284. #16-I enjoyed the lesson on the internet. Thank you for sharing with me. The only recommendation I can make is that when a queation is answered incorrectly, you give a reason as to why the answer is wrong by citing Scripture references so that we, the students, can look it up for ourselves.

  285. I look forward to the next lesson. Thank you for your ministry through the internet. God Bless. #2 - I am so glad to have found your Bible study. I need a daily study time and will use this for that. Thanks for your time and service to our Lord.

  286. Thank you for providing the on-line bible study. I look forward to completing it, and hope to see more of them offered in the future.

  287. #4 - There certainly is a lot of information to digest. Thank you for taking your time to help me with my study of God's word.

  288. It is wonderful that this Bible Study is available via the internet. Thank you.

  289. #3-Thank You for your time and I am enjoying these lessons immensely. #5-Great Lesson ! Enjoyed it as always. #10-I enjoyed this lesson. I gained a great deal of knowledge. #9- I found this to be the most enlightening lesson yet! Thank You and God Bless you for your good work!

  290. HEY THANKS FOR PUTTING THIS ON THE WEB. I HOPE YOU CAN CONTINUE SENDING ME MORE LESSONS. #2 - This is really great. Thank you very much, I hope to be in ministry soon and this will help me gain what I know and what I need to look into more.

  291. I enjoyed looking up the scriptures. #3 - I think I learned a lot this lesson about the historical context of many Biblical events.


  293. Very enjoyable, Thank You


  295. #2-Very solid bible teaching. #4-I have enjoyed the lessons. #5-One of these days, I going to get all the questions answered correctly. #8-Good lesson-The questions were tougher with more multiple answers.

  296. #5- I look forward each day to this course " like the way it is structured. GOD Bless you both

  297. I was glad to find an online study. Thank you and I will be looking forward to hearing from you soon. #2 - Thank you for this leson and I am waiting for any remarks and the next lesson.

  298. #1-Great way of making us look and read what we found

  299. #8-This lesson opened my eyes to the varied ways to commit sin. I need more discipline, and after this lesson, I have more to add to my prayers!

  300. THANK YOU for being on-line. #2 - Thank You for your quick respondence to the first test. I have been looking for months for a place to do bible studies. I am a Parent-caretaker, I do not get much time out. Your site and Church are doing a wonderful thing for people like myself. May the God that I love always make your path smooth. #7 - Friends, Thank You for being so patient with me. I really enjoy these lessons. God bless you for your faithfulness. #12-I am Thankful for your advice. It was sound,Bibical,andmost needed. Bless you for being were you can help people like me.

  301. #1-Very Good and certain parts such as #24, " 25, are kind of tricky. Makes you pay attention. #14- I know that this study is just about complete and I want you to know that I am going to really miss it. I wish you had more material. I have really enjoyed it. #15-I have thoroughly enjoyed this Bible Study.

  302. Since I'm hosting a link to this Bible study at my home page, I thought it would be good to take the course myself to see what all it includes. It's looking good, thus far. Thank you.

  303. #2-This is very interesting for me and I find that doing bible study via the internet works well for me. I have been trying to do quiet times for a while,and have been unsuccessful. I think that my heart attitude is now changed and that helps with bible study too. This won't take the place of quiet times but it helps. Thanks for having this service available.

  304. #2- Thank you for getting back so fast with the other lesson. This was a little harder for me and time was a little less. I do love this and have learned a lot about God. Thank you again can't wait to start #3. You guys are a blessing to me.

  305. #3-This study has helped me because I always had a problem understanding the series of events during the divided Kingdom and what happened. Most of the questions are very easy for me but this was a bit of a challenge. Thank you for this study.

  306. #16-this course has been a rewarding time of study and I want to thank you and Jordan Park for being available for people like me.I have been blessed by the lessons and will sadly miss the spiritual food it has provided me.

  307. #3-This is a bleesing. Thank you.


  309. #16-I have thoroughly enjoyed going through this course. It obviously took a lot of time, effort, and study to put it together. Thank you for providing such a wonderful study tool.

  310. Hi - thanks this a great study devotional site and I love it. It will help me out a lot. Thanks so much.

  311. Thank you so much for this lesson plan! #2 - We are recently saved and this lesson is wonderful to help us increase our knowledge of His word. Thank you.


  313. I am really glad to have found this. I go to bible study Aug-may but there is nothing really for the summer so this will be nice to have. THANKS!!! #2 - I found this one interesting. I might actually go to biblestudy this fall and know what I am talking about for a change.

  314. #7-I'm enjoying doing this Bible study very much and always look forward to the next lesson. I especially enjoyed this lesson.

  315. #2-I just wanted to thank you for this Bible study it is helping me to study the Bible again and get close to God again...

  316. simple and easy to understand

  317. I love online work, and really like the set-up of this program.

  318. Praise the Lord for this study...I thank Him for guiding me tothis site to do this study..I am a new Christian...about a year now and will find this study invaluable in growing in God's Word....Bless You. #4 - Another good Bible study.

  319. #3-Your Bible course is very helpful " intersting. I enjoy it very much. Mywife ___ " my son ______ are also enjoying it! #10-I really thank our Lord for the work you are doing for Him with this ministry.

  320. #15- I want to thank you for serving the Lord with your website and allowing me to be a part of it -- The receiving part.

  321. I really enjoyed reading this page. Nice Job!!

  322. I found it very interesting, I would like to know more about this bible study.

  323. I find your bible study page very easy to follow and doesn't cramp you with too much one time. Keep up the good work.

  324. Just thought that I would say hello, and thanks for taking thetime to grade my paper, you are appreciated!!! Our Bible study was stopped for the summer. I find I need tostudy God's word daily.

  325. I have been looking for some time now for a guide in bible study. I have attempted to study on my own and found myself confused. I am thankful for finding your site and believe it will be of great help. God Bless you and thanks again.

  326. I enjoyed doing this lesson. I'm sure I will enjoy the others just as much. I am a follower of Christ Jesus but want to come into a closer relationship with Him.

  327. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for making this study available to those of us who are so eager to study and know God's Word. My family feels that the answers to the questions and struggles we face today are all addressed in the Word of God and we feel that those are the absolute and only words we need. Thank you again. May God richly bless you and your ministry.

  328. #2-I very much enjoy these lessons.

  329. My sister-in-law sent me this today. It was really interesting reading. Thank you for giving free bible studies.

  330. I have been looking for a way to learn more about the bible. Thank you for setting this up.

  331. Thanks for having this study on the web.

  332. #9-I am really learning a lot from you lessons. Keep it up. #14- I am learning quite a lot and growing tremendously spiritually. It is so amazing. May the good Lord bless you.

  333. I am so grateful that there is something like this over the net. We need to try and reach the people with all the resources availablebe cause we need God in our. #8 - I really do enjoy these lessons, I am learning more about what God expects of me.

  334. Thank you very much for this chance to study the Bible. This is something all of us need to do more. Again Thank you and god bless you all. #4 - Thanks again for the lesson. This was a very good lesson espically the bible verses. #5 - Thanks for another great lesson I enjoyed it verymuch. I seem to have a better understanding of the New Testament muchmore than the Old. Hopefully I can learn more about both.

  335. I thought that it was well put together and I'm enjoying thelesson

  336. #2-This is an enlightening experience for me. I thank you for sharing your time and insight with me. #7-These lessons are super.

  337. They far exceed anything that I expected. You all are an inspiration for me to do more. Thanks. #11-These lessons are very enlightening. They are helping me put things in proper perspective. Each lesson is clear, concise, and strengthening. Thanks very much for your guidance. #13-These studies with you all have helped me to grow from merely believing the tenents of my faith to having a firm conviction in them based on Scriptural proof. What must I do now? #14-Thanks for your encouraging words and thoughts. #16- Thanks for everything. It has been a great experience studying with you. I am interested in MORE.

  338. #4-I love your bible studies. Please keep up the good job ! #5-Thanks for providing these bible studies. I like them a lot. #10-Your bible lessons are excellent.

  339. Thank you for offering this free on-line study course! I believe that this is going to be a powerful and enlighteneing course for me. Thanks again!! #10-Thank you for your response to my questions, you have helped me greatly. #13-Thank you for your insight on the scriptures. I look forward to completing this lesson and possibly moving on to another teaching, if possible. #16-Thank you again for everything and yes please send me the info for other bible study materials or websites. God Bless You!!!

  340. #8-Thank you very much for your explanation on my question from the previous lesson. I hope it will come more clear in the coming lessons.

  341. I enjoy doing this Bible study, and I have learned a lot ofthings. I even had the chance to memorise a few scriptures. I will bepraying for you. #3-I am very glad that you had replied so quickly to me after receiving my answers to lesson 2. I am very happy that I have found that right thing on the internet to occupy my time. Thank you for you prayers and you instructions. God bless you all and I will be praying for you all. #5-Thank you for replying to my lessons so quickly. I must tell you that I enjoy these bible lessons so much I would'nt mind doing them every day. I will be praying for you and I hope that you will do the same for me. God Bless you always

  342. Great course!Thank you and God bless you! #2-Enjoyed it!! Thank you!!!!

  343. #6-i thought this lesson really interesting I learned more than Ithought I knew.

  344. I have been wanting to take a Bible study course for quite sometime, neither my husband or myself belong to a church, so I was so pleased to find your course while browsing on my computer.

  345. #8-These are good-thanks. #10-Thanks for your prompt replies.

  346. #3-I am really finding these lessons very enjoyable and most ofall rewarding. Thank you for your help and guidance in helping me understand it better. #8-Thanks once again for the spiritual guidance you are giving me. It is most uplifting especially when at the moment I'm trying to find my way back to the Lord.

  347. I appreciate this chance to do some serious studying of thebible on my own time and still be able to receive feedback to questions. Thank you.

  348. Thank you very much for giving me the opprotunity to learn some basic facts about the Bible. May the good Lord continue to strengthen you. #7 - I learnt a lot from this topic. Please pray for me so that I will obey God in all things. #16- I wish I could express enough, how grateful I am to you, for giving me the opportunity of partaking in these lessons. I really enjoyed them especially as they have explained a lot of questions on my mind, about christianity. I Thank you very much and may God richy bless you.

  349. #3-Very nice lesson planning. It is really helping me.

  350. God's word does not come back void. The Word of God is then transalated

  351. Locating this site, fulfills a great need in my life. Formal bible study is not presently offered at my church and I need it.

  352. #11-Wonderful lesson!!!! I really enjoyed this one a lot. I know why I was baptised but a little reminder never hurts. #16- It took me a long time to get this one done. I've been very busy recently but think I've also been procrastinating as I knew this would be the last lesson. I've really enjoyed it and appreciate all the time and effort you have put in to helping me learn. I will miss this time together.

  353. I have great expectation to continue to grow in the grace,wisdom " knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through your correspondencelessons. God Bless You for you mighty works of God!

  354. #3-I had a harder time with this one but it is worth it.I will have to keep reading this a couple of times butI liked it any ways I love the lords word I cant get enough ofit!!!!!!!!!!!!! #9- I thought this study was a very powerful study i really enjoyed it.

  355. #8-Bless you I have really enjoy doing thisstudy.

  356. #2-The lessons are getting a little harder. But I will be okay. Even the wrong answers will lead me to read and study my Bible more. I will also ask God to lead me to the right interpretation and answer.

  357. This is a great thing. I am a new christian, accepted christ as my savior in February. And I had really took off on learning, expect started to fall away. I needed a learning tool. and found this online and am excited once again. Thank you so much for providing this learning tool. May god bless you. I just wanted to thank you personally for coming up with such an awesome learning tool for new and old christians for christian growth.

  358. Thank you so much for this web page.I am enjoying far I think it is an excellent source for study. I was looking for a King James version of the Bible to read fromthe computer and here it is! I love it .

  359. #7-The more I learn, the more I want to learn! Like I can't get enough...praise God for His love and blessings...He's doing awesome stuff with me, and I just want you to know your lessons are keeping me in the Word. #16 - I have enjoyed these lessons immensely, and have learned muchfrom them. Thank you for providing them!!

  360. Thanks for the work you do, in online bible study. I really want to learn more about the bible. #2 - I reallylike the study.. And am learning alot.

  361. #1-I feel that the lesson is too difficult/overwhelming to one that has no knowledge of the Word of God. (NOTE: Student completed the study.) #10-Thank you for your continued fellowship. Please pray for me and my 4 sons. #12-I am glad that God has impressed upon you to make these lessons available to me. I and my sons are doing well. Thank you for your prayers. Father In the Name of Jesus continue to bless Jordan Park Ministries, help them complete the great work they have begun. Continue to reveal your word to them, and help them to share with others. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen

  362. Thankful for this site. I was lookingfor bible studies using King James bible.

  363. #16-Have enjoyed the lessons a lot. Thank you for offering them and for your time with me.

  364. #8-I really love this Bible study. I appreciate the work you are doing. I'm know it's helping me and probably a lot of people to grow closer to the Lord. And probably bringing some to the Lord.

  365. #12-This was a very inspiring lesson. #16-I have truly enjoyed this Bible study course. Thanks for providing this wonderful service to God's people.

  366. #2-Thank you for your wonderful letter. I am enjoying the biblestudy guides and I am learning a lot. My husband is also going to start doing them so we are looking forward to studying together.

  367. I really enjoy these lessons on Bible Study.this is really a blessing.looking forward to the next lesson 3.

  368. 'I thoroughly enjooyed the bible study and appreciate that it starts with very basic information. I am excited about moving forward with the next lesson. Thank you and God bless you.

  369. I think this is a great idea. I have been looking for Bible studies on-line and I am in hopes you will have others after this one. Spreading the Word of God.

  370. I enjoyed it very much

  371. Really enjoyed this first study. hope to do more. Thank you.

  372. I liked lesson one. It is very good for beginning Christians. I can't wait for lesson two. #10-Thanks for another great lesson. This one was very good.

  373. I will be waithing for the next lession. I enjoy this.

  374. I love my american standard bible. I've been looking for a reallygood bible study

  375. Easy to follow

  376. #4 i must say this is very interesting. it does make me look hardand keep going over the study. not that it's alway right but i do studywhich is more then i did before. thank you

  377. Thank-you so much!!! I didnt get a chance to get on the computer yesterday. So I couldnt wait till this morning!

  378. I am so far very pleased with the layout and structure of this site. I will continually pray for many to be led to it and gain an understanding of God's great love and mercy and for many to come to the saving knowledge of Christ through it! #2 - Now I have seen the existence of this site, my heart rejoices. I plan to do everything possible to lead others to this site. My prayers are with you and I speak great attendance and success into your ministry in the name of Jesus! #4 - In the previous lessons, I had been hurrying through. This resulted in the mistakes I have made. I have now decided because of the content, to slow down and take more time. I believe this is an excellent outline for people with no knowledge of the Bible as well as bringing up major points to those who have a background of study. #5 - I am still very impressed with the quality and professionalism of this site as well as the content of the course. I have learned quite alot!

  379. I appreciate this Bible Study course being offered free overthe internet.I hope God is blessing everyone involved. I love these Bible study lessons. They are very helpful to me in learning the bible and preparing me for my ministry.

  380. Very educative and interesting

  381. #3-I love the maps and reference in your lesson!

  382. #4-This is really giving me a better understanding of the bible.Ijust want you to know I am being blessed ALREADY!! May God Bless you for this outstanding Ministry. This study grounds me in the word and the works of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your Ministry brings me home to the Will of God by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. #2 - I am so happy to be with you in the study of God's magnificent word. I praise God for the message and may He bless the messengers #4 - These lessons are a wonderful feast for my soul. #6 - I tried really hard with this lesson but I don't think I reall got it. Here are my answers just the same. #8 - Thank You for this most valuable lesson that taught me a sinner and a fool that Jesus Christ gives full forgivness and Hope, Joy and Peace and eternal Life in his name. #13-Praise the Lord. May he greatly increase your blessing's for your wonderful ministry and work with a sinner like me.

  383. Thank you. The lesson was very enjoyable and rewarding. God Bless You.

  384. #13 -Thank God for your lesson this week. Now I have the verses in the bible to back me up on what repentance is and how a person needs to repent. Thank you for your faithfullness in sending me these lessons. Godbless you both. #16-Thanks, for all you lessons they have been a great help. I hope you can come up with a new series of lesson soon. May God bless you both and may his grace keep the both of you doing his work till the day he comes to take us home. Pray for me and I'll do the same. Again THANK you....

  385. #2-I had emailed you about a problem with the link, but receivedonline assistance shortly after I sent the letter. Thank you for providing this ministry for the internet community.

  386. I was searching for a Bible Study to get involved with at home. I have been so busy but wanted to study when I could. This seemed like an opportunity to do so.

  387. #4-WOW! Thanks for showing me Psalm 117. What a powerful message- short and sweet and to the point. I should be able to remember that one! Anxiously awaiting lesson 5. #6-Please pass on to your elders that I really like the way they have tiedthe Old and New together. Sometimes I would get so bogged down in little details that I would not continue with zeal. I LOVE THIS!!!!!! Thank you for providing Bible study on the internet. #4 I want to thank you for the Bible studies, and thank GOD foryour ministry May HE continue to bless you, always.

  388. Very interesting. Questions would be better if they required explainations.

  389. Thank you for the wonderful sympathy card.

  390. this is the first time I have done BIBLE study on the internet. I find this to be very good in makeing you read through different chapters and verses to answer the questions The more I do this the more I will learn.

  391. #11-one thing is sure i am leaning about things i did not, know and some things were brought back to me,i am am haveing fun leaning it all again

  392. I am very glad my husband found and shared this bible information with me. I have been looking for a bible study that will help me to do bible study and learn more about the lord. Thank you so much

  393. #2-I would just like to say how much I am enjoying doing these exersises and learning more of the Bible.

  394. I am very excited to be a part of this course. I have been looking for something like this for a long time.

  395. #16-Thank your for your wonderful lessons. May God bless.

  396. Thank you for your service to God through the medium of cyberspace. May God continue to bless you in every area of your life. I sure like the lesson and I would like some more. I like to have lesson two and many more THANK YOU. I Would like for you to pray for me and my family . I Hope to become a youth ministries.


  398. #3-Thank you for these lessons. #8- It is wonderful to know His plan of salvation.

  399. Glad I found this Bible Study. I'm just learning the Bible the way you should and this is a wonderful tool. #3 - Great lesson--loved scripture 1 Samuel 16:7. #5 - I continue to enjoy the lessons. #11- I dearly love this Bible Study and look forward to each new Lesson. Thank you so much. I have sent the website to mystep-mother...she would love it too.

  400. #9-A:MThanks for your prayers guys. I truly appreciate it. I'm hanging in there and staying close to the Lord. One of these tests I'm going to get them all right!

  401. Havn't had it long but I am enjoying it. # -4 Very good study.

  402. Wow, you guys are fast. I like that. But, please be patient with me. I work fultime and am taking some work related classes too! You are great though...Thanks

  403. #7-I am so looking forward to resuming my studies with you. I have to thank you once again for providing me the chance to learn more.

  404. Very interesting and fulfilling

  405. Thanks for providing this service. I believe it will be a tremendous help to me in my study of the bible. #7 - I really enjoyed this lesson. Thank you very much for offeringthis wonderful service. #8-This lesson seemed easier for me and I pray that I am finally beginning to understand what I need to do and what I should not be doing. I do so appreciate your giving me this opportunity to study the Bible with you. I waited far too long in my life to turn to God and I am really trying to learn about Him and how I can honor and love him.

  406. basic but good review

  407. Thank you for blessing me with this on-line bible study course. It is a great way to increase my knowledge of the bible and is greatly needed. Thank You, God Bless

  408. Very interesting and informative. I like the part where you need to complete the Sciptures.

  409. Hello again Im enjoying the study I did part1 by memory again its funner for me that way.

  410. The lesson was really good . I enjoyed myself as i was looking up the sciptures and discoverying the books that i would not reall open to. # -2 Once again thank you. This has been great. I look forward to the next one.

  411. I thoroughly enjooyed the bible study and appreciate that it starts with very basic information. I am excited about moving forward with the next lesson. Thank you and God bless you.

  412. It was great

  413. I am really enjoying the lessons

  414. This is exciting. I am looking forward to the other lessons. #15 - I quess this is it. The study has been quite helpful thanks to Jordan Park and people like both of you God bless you both it has been a worth while experience.

  415. #7-This was a very deep lesson.

  416. This time as you can see I made it in...I am so glad. Thank you. I am really enjoying this. #9 - I never did realize that the 10 commandments would not be inauthority in the new covenant. I don't think I ever really thought about it. I have always seeked authority from Christ for my beliefs and the way I live but I just assumed that the 10 commandments were part of that authority. I see now that Christs laws are not the 10 commandments although yet much the same. This has been a fun lesson and a learning one also. #10 - Praise the Lord for this lesson....I Loved it.

  417. Enjouable. #4 - I love this course. It's affirming things I thought I already knew and teaching me things I didn't! #7 - I am still enjoying my lessons; I can't waite until the next one gets here. I do my study at work during my spare time and so I get excited every time I see a e-mail from the two of you. BE Blessed!

  418. Looking for Christian studies and a lot of searching for days Prais the Lord I found you and want to say thank you for your web site. # -15 I will really miss having these bible studies . If you ever have more of them would you please contact me. Thank you for all your time you spent with me. May the Lord bless you in all that you do in His name.

  419. Some one that is committed to do God`s will. I am having a great time doing this course. I really appreciate your effort and dedication because you answer really fast. I told a couple of friends about the course too! # -3 This was very interesting. I enjoy history and this was not just bibilcally informative, but historically as well.

  420. #3- I found this lesson to be a little hard. Maybe because I am not familiar with all areas of the bible. I am new to studying the bible. I was not raised with it. I am enjoying it though.

  421. Fine!, concise and instructing. # -2 Thanks for taking your time with this wonderful mission. I am enjoying this lessons since I've been looking for something like thisfor a long time. # -6 I am having a great time doing this course. I really appreciate your effort and dedication because you answer really fast. I told a couple of friends about the course too! # -15 I thank you and your church for the initiative on this course, the only one in this class in the net so far. I have the best wishes for you and hope that your church keeps going as it has done until this moment.

  422. I am very happy for the opportunity to participate in this Bible study. I thank God for His grace in your lives to carry out this good work. May he continue to strengthen you people in Jesus name. Amen

  423. I searched for bible study on the web-this was the first to come up on my search.

  424. This is good introductory information. I look forward to continuing the study.Thanks for the work you've done on this site. #16- I enjoyed this 16 part lesson series. Thank you for administering the site and make it available to all that are interested in learning more about the bible and Jesus Christ. Hopefully many people will come to know Christ because of these lessons.

  425. Useful " encouraging. # -2 Nice and interesting.

  426. Thank you for making this free course available. I have told others about it.

  427. #3-This is a pleasent and refreshing study. It has called to rememberance a lot of things I learned in Bible College. The old test.(ament) is very important. It helps us to Know GOD the Father better. HE is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

  428. Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed doing this bible study . I hope to do more in the future and learn from them as well. Thank You Very Very much.

  429. I am so excited to get my next lession , I can hardly wate.

  430. We really like your bible program, and are glad we found it. God bless you.

  431. Sorry for the delay in submitting my test. I am really enjoying the lessons. I hope others follow. # -9 This lesson has really been a blessing to me. I thank God for your touching my life.

  432. #2-just wanted to thank you for this bible study, I'm going to tell some friends about this!! #3-this is getting harder!! thats great!!

  433. Am brand new to bible study, but very much interested in the search of Christ.

  434. I liked it and want to continue to syudy the bible in depth. # -7 Wow, this was tough one! It really made me think.

  435. I am really happy I found this site. I have been wanting to start a Bible Study Group.

  436. #-8 I been enjoying your bible lessons very much. Your lessons have inspired me to study the bible again which I have been avoiding for some time now.

  437. #4- I really liked this lession. #7-This was a good lesson just want to take this time to thank the Lord for you. You are doing wounderful work, with so much bad things on the internet it blesses me to find a site like this. God bless you

  438. #16-If there is any more new lesson please let me know. I have really enjoyed these. Thank You " God bless

  439. I learn and pass it on. Talk about casting your bread upon the water,

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